Possession: A Romance (1990), by A.S.Byatt, is indeed a romance, but also a mystery, a satire, a detective story and a fairy tale, a novel about English Departments and both a historical and contemporary work of fiction. The plot of Possession deals with an illicit love affair between two fictitious Victorian poets, Randolph Henry Ash and Charitable LaMotte. Their story is graphically revealed in a narrative which follows the research of two twentieth century literary scholars, the Ash expert Roland Michel, and Maud Bailey, an authority on LaMotte. Polvinen (2004) declares that the novel portrays various kinds of possession: material, spiritual and sexual. We can note here that Possession: possession can be defined somehow as the compulsion to make someone, something completely ones own.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in English Language and Literature of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh