Keeping up in mind the concept of various uses of English language, the purpose of the current paper the researcher has initially aimed to examine how the use of English Language does vary at different occupations or levels. It also meant to identify whether there is necessity to have distinct pedagogical variation for various occupations or levels and if there is any distinct pedagogical variation how does it help or can help at different
levels or occupations. Generally, in Bangladesh the learners learning purposes are not judged accurately. It highly affects learners, learning purposes or needs for the language. As a result, the learners can not perform accurately or contextually according to their purposes or needs for learning. Since the learning needs of doctors is distinctly different from lawyer. Similarly the learning needs of BBA students are different from the
learning needs of FTDM (Film, TV & Media) students.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in English Language Teaching of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh