Electricity is a fundamental requirement to upgrade the socio economics condition and to alleviate poverty Proper enough electricity supply have a graet positive impact on our national economy as well as on GDP the country where GDP is one of the
important or the economy is condition a developing country like Bangladesh. Adequate electricity supply wiII also help to attract foreign investment. But Bangladesh is going through a huge power crisis a time. Demand power is very high but supply is not adequate Only 47%, population of Bangladesh has access to electricity
other Cleve countries. This power crisis is
which is very low compared to other developing country. To solve the Government Bangladesh has taken a n initiative to unbundle the Power Sector in the form Public Limited companies. As a result aiming
consumer and to Improve revenue collection Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd. (DISCO) was created in November 1996 under the Companies Act 1994 as a Public Limited
Company, taking over some jurisdiction area of DESA. The operational activities of DESCO at
the field level commenced later on September 1998. The primary aim of creating DESCO
was to belter consumer and to improve revenue collection.
This internship submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.