In this fast growing tech world, data is slowly taking its throne as the next most valuable resource. Possession of data, information is the new statement of wealth & power. Every day, the world is getting a little more uncomfortable about if their data is in the right hands or not. Currently our military uses mainstream social media & cellular texts to communicate & organize their day to day schedules. So in theory, all of the military’s day to day operation data are in the hands of private multinational companies & stored in their servers. A nation’s military should be private & secured. This paper proposes an alternative to the social media for the officers, while changing the possession of the data. Our android app provides a better, easier way to organize regular schedules, orders and commits. The app follows the hierarchy & chain of command of a typical army unit, providing every officer & soldier access to the right amount of features based on their ranks. Since this is a research on military, a formal permission for it was asked & received from the army headquarters at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.