The age of “Big Data” is going on and the use of this amount of data
is increasing day by day. We all are using it in a various way with or
without our consciousness. By data firmly and with the ability given
by Big Data Technologies to efficiently store and analyze those information, we can find solution to these questions and work to optimize
every aspect of our behavior. For instance, Big E-commerce sites can
know which products we have brought or viewed by analyzing big data
gathered from thousands of websites over many years. Online and offline activities are always being tracked, aggregated, and analyzed at
amazing rates. Here, we are about to deal with the stock market and
analyze the fluctuation of share value over a year. Ultimately, we can
say that Big Data technology is used to improve basic leadership and
to give more noteworthy bits of knowledge quicker when required yet
with the drawback of loss of data privacy.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh