ASD - (Autism spectrum disorder) de nes a group of people who have some level of
disabilities. Basically it represents a number of people of our society who are disabled
mentally or physically. They do not have the proper opportunities of education.
Education is the most important thing for a nation if it wants to develop. It is hard
for such children to cope up with the traditional school system education. To serve
them a better life by ghting against those disabilities and gain the basic educational
knowledge in mathematics, we have developed a system for these special children to
help them in learning mathematics. We introduced AR - (Augmented Reality) in our
system to maximize the result. AR makes real world environment elements lively in
the application. It will help the autistic children to understand the real environment
easily. For developing this system we went through some processes, collected data from
different ASD schools then simulated those data to generate graph and to get the nalresults which shows the efficiency of this application. As our designed system is already
experimented in some school and the achieved result indicates positivity, so it can be
said as a proof of concept. The application is colorful and attractive so that it gets the
attention of every autistic child. For using AR, learning will be easy and fun for them.
Hence it is an application which directly interacts with children; it is de nitely under
the HCI (Human-computer interaction).
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.