In modern days, we must use various high-tech electronic devices and equipment to get our jobs
done and make the life easier. The purpose of this project is to design an Electronic Queue Control
System. Here, we have used 4-bit parallel registers (74LS175), BCD to 7-segment display decoder
driver (74LS47) and 7-segment display unit and an Arduino Uno board. Four I/O pins of Arduino
are arranging in the multiplexed form to send data to the display units. Different Clock pulses for
74LS175 registers have been used to save the input data in a particular register. 4-bit parallel
register save the input data from Arduino and send to the input of BCD to 7-segment display
decoder driver. Getting the output, BCD to 7-segment decoder driver display the binary number as
(0-9) in the 7-segment displays. This project will show how three 7-segment displays can be used
for counter numbers (0-9) (where services to the customers will be provided) and serial numbers (0-
99). The developed system can be used like a Queue Control system of any Supermarket checkouts,
Banks, Customer Care, Airport security etc. The system has been designed and implemented
practically. It is found that the system works perfectly.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh