Network dependent initiatives like cloud, 3G, virtualization and BYOD are rapidly
consuming the last remaining IPv4 addresses. Organizations need to develop an IPv6
Network for that the project will going to establish an efficient approach to convert an IPv4
network to IPv6 Network where to optimum use of Bandwidth with EIGRP will be
implementing. In this project we convert a existing IPv4 Network to IPv6 network thro our
efficient Approach which is the sequential step of table to generate IPv4 to IPv6 topology and IPv4 Address to IPv6 Address and configure all the devices according to IPv6 topology and IPv6 address on Packet tracer Simulation .Here the theoretical analyses prove that the proposed approach works well in the simulation of EIGRP IPv6 network.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh