The price of electricity is gradually increasing all over the world. In Bangladesh the price is also increasing day by day. In these circumstances, the users will try to minimize the wastage of electricity. In this project, a smart control system for home appliances has been developed to minimize the electricity wastage. The systems will automatically shutdown the electrical loads when the last person leaves the room. When the first person enters the room the loads will get power and can be run by their switches. If a person enters the room the system will increase its count by one and when a person leaves the room it will decrement its count. When the value of count is zero the power will be cut off. To count the number of persons in the room optical sensors have been used. An Arduino Uno board has been used to count the persons and control the power to the load. A program has been developed using Arduino software. The system has
been constructed and tested. It is found that the system works properly.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Applied Physics and Electronics of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh